EVIta Starting Grant 2025
Prize in memory of Marina Cretich - EVIta Starting Grant 2025
“Innovation in Extracellular Vesicles”
In 2024, EVIta Society has lost an outstanding scientist and a person of great humanity, Dr. Marina Cretich.
The award in memory of Marina Cretich is made in due recognition of her scientific contribution to the field of extracellular vesicles, of her dedication to research and her passion for innovation.
In her memory, the Italian Society for Extracellular Vesicles - EVIta will fund post-docs and early-career principal investigators to answer an experimental question with a focused research plan in the field of extracellular vesicles research, either to validate a hypothesis that concludes a story or to test a hypothesis being the base of a new story.
The story and/or approach proposed should be highly innovative.
Applicants must be regular members of EVIta in 2025 and work in an Italian institution.