Two positions available in the Laboratory of Dr. Manuel Albanese


The aim of our lab is to develop new therapeutic strategies based on engineered EVs for personalized therapy against viruses and cancer.

Our research is supported by the “my first AIRC Grant” and the FIS Grant (Fondo Italiano per la scienza). For more info about the group and the project see here



Postdoc positions are available in the recently established research group led by Manuel Albanese at INGM.

The successful candidates will work on a variety of projects focused on cutting-edge gene-editing technologies implemented with the development of smart extracellular vesicles-based delivery systems, aiming to advance gene therapies against cancer and viral infections.


Starting date: From March 2025 (flexible).

Duration and salary:   1-year Fellowship renewable for up to 3 years. Salary will be commensurate with previous research experience (from 30 000 € for Junior postdocs up to 40 000 € for senior postdocs)

Requested diploma: PhD in biotechnology, cancer biology, virology or related field.

Languages: Good proficiency in English speaking and writing skills is mandatory.

Job description: We are looking for a candidate with experience in cancer biology, virology and/or extracellular vesicles (EVs) biology to join our group.

In the future, the applicant will be supported to apply for additional national and international fellowship programs (Marie Sklodowska Curie, EMBO, AIRC or similar).

Key tasks:

Conduct and implement a research project focused on gene editing approaches based on extracellular vesicles and viral like particles

Generate reliable data for publication and publish reproducible research papers

Supervise master’s and PhD students

Present share and discuss research results within the group, with collaborators and in scientific conferences

Proactive interactions with collaborators, especially with INGM viral unit and our national and international collaborators




A Research assistant position is available in the research group led by Manuel Albanese at INGM.

The successful candidate will contribute to the establishment of a multidisciplinary team focused on gene editing-based technologies and therapies against cancer and infectious diseases.


Starting date: From March 2025 (flexible).

Duration and salary: 1-year Fellowship with the possibility to apply for a PhD position in 2025. Salary will be commensurate with previous research experience (from 20 000 € for junior up to 25 000 € for senior).

Requested diploma: Master’s degree in Biology, Biotechnology, or equivalent through relevant experience.

Job description: We are looking for a motivated research assistant who will support the research group on a technical level to contribute to achieving our research objectives.

Key tasks:

- Production and optimization of extracellular vesicles or viral like particles carrying therapeutic proteins (such as CRISPR/Cas9 complex)

- Characterization of extracellular vesicles’ cargo and functional properties through RT-qPCR, Western blot, Nanosight, and flow cytometry based functional assays

- Collect and analyze data and present results through weekly presentations within the group and collaborators

- Contribute to the writing of project-related scientific papers


For more info about our institute see here:


Want to apply?

Please send to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

- Curriculum Vitae

- Motivation letter

- Contact information of two references