Here below we provide a list of the laboratories that are available to host MOVE young researchers

Always refer to the offical list available here


ITALY - EVIta Members available to host MOVE researchers 

  • University of Turin, PI: Benedetta Bussolati

Main Research Topics: urinary EVs, stem cell derived EVs for renal tissue repair, EV engineering

Main techniques: single Ev characterization (Exoview), superresolution microscopy, invitro potency assay, in vivo EV administration, biodistribution, EV engineering with siRNA and therapeutic proteins

  • Istituto Cadiocentro Ticino EOC (CH), PI: Lucio Barile

Main Research Topics: EVs in cardiovascular system, EVs from human cardiac progenitopr cells, cardiomyocytes adn endothelial cells, liquid biopsies for cardiovascular disease daignosis

Main techniques: multiarray Particle Metrix, NTA, UC, SEC, western blot, digital PCR

  • DISTEBA Università del Salento, PI: Anna Maria Giudetti 

Main Research Topics: /

Main techniques: Chromatography, H-NMR

  • Cell Tech Hub, CNR in Palermo, PI: Mauro Manno

Main Research Topics: structural and mechanical properties of extracellular nanovesicles from human and natural sources, EV engineering for drug delivery, stability of biomolecules and pathways

Main techniques: DLS, multi angle Light scattering, small angle X-ray/Neutron/light scattering, AFM, TFF, LC, Emission spectroscopy, Circular dichroism

  • Politecnico di Torino, PI: Valentina Cauda

Main Research Topics: theranostic multiple component nanomaterials, EVs from cell cultures and EV engineering for theranostic platform, drug delivery and nanoimaging.

Main techniques: UC, FCS, wide field time lapse live cell imaging microscopy, spinning disk microscopy

  • Univeristy of Perugia, PI: sandra Buratta

Main Research Topics: lipidomic analysis of EVs, expression analysis of enzymes involved in the metabolism od phospholipid and lipid mediators.

Main techniques: purification adn biochemical charcterization of EVS, lipidomics by LC-MS, EV labelling with recombinant constructs, immunodetection of enzymes

  • IRIB-CNR, PI: Antonella Bongiovanni

Main Research Topics: EVs by natural sources for human health

Main techniques: in vitro and ex vivo potency assays, EV orthogonal charcterization methods and engineering, production of microalgal EVs

  • IBBR-CNR, PI: Elia Di Schiavi

Main Research Topics: neurogenetics of C. Elegans

Main techniques: genetic crosses, observation of neurons in living transparent multicellular organism, toxicology and biodistribution

  • Unvieristy of Milan, PI: Marina Camera

Main Research Topics: cellular and molecular mchanisms in cardiovascualr diseases

Main techniques: cell biology, flow cytometry, platelet function test, coagulation test, molecular biiology

  • IOM Ricerca, PI: Stefano Forte

Main Research Topics: cancer research

Main techniques: NGS, in vitro cancer cell modelling, mouse tumor model

  • CTBIO, PI: Marcella Chiari

Main Research Topics: /

Main techniques: Nanoview platfor, NTA, Western Blot

  • L'Aquila University, PI: Vincenza Dolo

Main Research Topics: EVs in tumor biology

Main techniques: TEM, SEM, biochemical techniques, cell culture

  • IRCCS Fondazione Don Gnocchi, PI: Marzia Bedoni

Main Research Topics: EVs for biomarker discovery in neurological and cardiovascular disorders

Main techniques: Raman spectroscopy, Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging, NTA 

  • University of Brescia, PI: Paolo Bergese

Main Research Topics: surface chemistry, bio-nano interfaces, biogenic nanoparticles

Main techniques: Nanoplasmonics, AFM, spectrscopy, biosensors, separation chemistry (TFF, UC, density gradient, chromatography)

  • University of Urbino, PI: Michele Guescini

Main Research Topics: EVs from muscle cells in myogenic differentiation and NMJ establishment, EVs in tumors, biomimetic vesicles

Main techniques: UC, density gradient separation, SEC, western blot, flow cytometry 


Countries EVIta members can visit:

  • UK