PhD program in Biotechnologies in Translational Medicine

Department of Experimental Medicine (DIMES) - University of Genova

XXXVIII Cycle - 1 fellowships available
Online application only – Deadline: July 10th 2023 at 12.00 (italian time)

The project concerns the engineering of NanoErythrosomes (nanoparticles released from red blood
cells) (NanoEs) to be used as targeted drug delivery systems. Specifically, the project will involve
the comparison of different NanoE isolation methods and their characterization in order to identify
an optimized protocol. The engineering of the NanoEs will include: i) the functionalization of their
membrane with sequence-specific peptides through click chemistry strategies, ii) the loading of
therapeutic molecules.
The aim of the project is to evaluate, through in vitro and in vivo analyses, whether the engineered
NanoEs will be able to preferentially target metastatic sites and specifically deliver their therapeutic


For more information, or to apply, feel free to write directly to Prof. Roberta Tasso
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